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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2006
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Wysłany: Nie 9:57, 23 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: Apocalypse |
The Dude napisał: |
In an attempt to quell the hungry rumour leeches out there, and to kill some down-time at work, I have attempted to compile Apocalypse rumours.
I will further attempt to update this post with things I may (and probably have) missed.
Please ensure you read this post fully, and at least check all other posts since it was last edited before asking a question. Thank you.
Also, whilst I appreciate your praise, can we please limit it to posts that contain some more substantial discussion?
I don't want this thread to get as unwieldy as the last one
Apocalypse Rules:
TheOTHERmaninblack confirms Apocalypse is on the order form for an October release costing US$50 (further confirmed by the leaked release schedule)
It is rumoured there will be a pre-release on GD UK
The basic premise is Rules for games of 3000+ points where the focus is on creating a narrative. It has been called "the polar opposite of tournament play"
Games will reportedly not use the FOC and possibly not Points limits (although the concept of 3000+ points games seems to contradict this rumour). Some insist points are still used and that a player with fewer points than their opponent can restore balance through using extra Strategic Assets (see below)
Early reports showed some contention over the size of the book, with some saying it’s huge (almost if not as big as the Rulebook), others saying it’s as big as Cities of Death, whilst some mentioned the possibility of multiple editions.
The US$50 price tag as well as some emerging reports of sighted copies indicates a single large book.
Whilst the size can't be determined, some of the cover appears in a picture later in this post
One poster had this to say on Apocalypse’s compatibility with the Imperial Armour books:
Quote FW's IA books will still be useful and they will carry on producing them. Not every super heavy is in Apocalypse and all those IG varients are also not in the Apocalypse book. It's perfetly reasonable to use IA with Apocalypse. It says so right in the preface. Where a super heavy appears in both volumes; Apocalypse 's rules will supersede those in IA. So the baneblade and warhound in Apocalypse are considered "official" when playing Apocalypse games. In some cases (like the Squigoth) they have been powered up over the IA version. Also the rules presented for Super Heavies, Gargantuin creatures and Flyers (yes they are there...) in the Apocalypse book are considered "official" when playing with IA stuff in Apocalypse
It is rumoured that there may be updates made available in White Dwarf and on the Games Workshop website
Big Red says the new Apocalypse Templates will be released Oct 07 for US$22 (confirmed by TheOTHERmaninblack)
-10" circular blast template. Used by the Deathstrike Missile, Baneblade cannon and others.
-18" flamer template. N1AK says the big flamer template has all the smaller templates etched inside it
-large "petal" or "Orbital Bombardment" template (this may be the same as 10" circular blast template). N1AK claims the "Orbital Bombardment" template is a central blast surrounded by 4, slightly overlapping blasts. When you fire something that uses it you roll a D6, on a 1-4 it lands in a designated one of the 4 'outer' circles, one a 5-6 it lands in the centre circle.
-Vortex grenade marker. Sold seperately for US$10. Apparently a 3d "globe" type affair with swirly vortex effects on it. Also rumoured to have a holographic image on the surface.
All but the Vortex Grenade appear in a picture later in this post
There was talk of a linked ordinance or ”Cluster Bomb” template (like the old 2nd edition thudd gun template, but way bigger) but it doesn't appear in the recent picture of the templates, indicating it doesn't exist and The Dude thinks it was probably a misinterpretation of the Orbital Bombardment template.
Also released Oct 07 will be the mysterious (and exciting) Apocalypse Big Gun Dice for US$12(confirmed by TheOTHERmaninblack)
The dice appear to be just large D6s in a red and black marble finish, and with an AdMech symbol replacing one of the numbers. Some of the dice can be seen to have 1, 5, 3, and 6 on them, meaning the AdMech symbol either replaces 2 or 4, or is on a different facing on different dice. The set also includes a scatter dice, also in the same red and black finish.
The Dice appear in a picture later in this post
Strength “D” weapons
Some weapons will have the option of saying D (for death). Baleanoon tells us the description for Strength D reads something like:
"These weapons are so powerful that they require no dice rolling to wound, any model hit automatically dies, that’s right no armour saves, invulnerable saves, this weapon doesn't care about your dodge save or demonic powers."
Smokedog also says they auto-penetrate vehicles and get +1 on the damage table
Baleanoon also claims that one each of Warhound's and Stompa's weapons have Strength D.
The Vortex Grenade, Eldar Pulsars, and Necron Pylon are also reportedly Strength D.
Some rules simplifications have been hinted at, such as any weapon of S7+ ignores armour saves entirely
There have been rumours of ally lists; ie SM & guard, Chaos & orks etc.
Some have suggested an Eye Of Terror style Order and Disorder division.
Super-heavy and Gigantic Creature rules
They will supposedly work almost exactly the same way as in the Forge World books, but:
-Vehicles “tend to explode in a more spectacular fashion”
-Apparently they can split their fire
-Super heavies (and maybe all vehicles) will only have 1 damage chart. Rolls will be -2 for galncing hits and +1 for Strength "D" weapons. Penetrating hits have no modifier. Hits that take you below 1 have no effect. Ie glancing hits on a 1 or a 2 do no damage at all
-Structure Points may get a boost to make them "almost impervious to non-titan killer weapons"
Super Heavies with rules included
-Baneblade: Costs 500 points. It is around 600 pts with the extra lascannon and TL heavy bolter sponsons, or you can leave them off for side AV14.
-Chaos Brass Scorpion: rumoured to have 12" assault and a 10 shot weapon in its tail (also rumoured to use the Big Flamer Template rather than 10 shots)
- Nurgle Plague Reaper: Apparently a corrupted Baneblade with a somewhat phallic shaped cannon that discharges pus/poison
-Ork Skullburna: Can hold 30 infantry and is apparently a fast vehicle
-Ork Squiggoth: supposedly more powerful rules than FW
-Necron Pylon
-Tau Barracuda
-Tau Great Knarlock
-Tyranid Hierophant
-Tyranid Trygon, which leads another unit
Titan class weapons also supposedly getting a big boost in lethality.
Shields: Iracundus says that Void shields now have an AV of their own and it's lower than 14, so lighter weaponry can at least strip shields. Smokedog says there are 3 types of titan shields: Power, Void and Hold field.
-Power Fields and Void Shields are AV12 and are destroyed if glanced or penetrated.
-Void Sheilds can be re-generated, Power Fields cannot.
-Holofields seem quite nasty, as long as the vehicle has moved, it will ignore all hits on a 4+.
Titans with rules included
Warlord - Costs 2500 points and if you get within 12" of it, it can't shoot you, although it can step on you.
Warhound – Nothing yet known other than it is included.
Revenant – Smokedog tells us it gets 2 Pulsars - Strength D, Heavy 2, 5" Blast.
Ork Stompa: One of it’s weapons will be Strength D and it will have the option to take Power Fields. Possibly more than one type, with Smokedog saying the "Mekboy Stompa" with have the most guns.
We have been reliably told there is no Reaver Titan in the book.
It has been suggested that plastic Titan models may be forthcoming, but not until plastic technology catches up with requirements (ie a LONG way off)
Some initial uncertainty of their inclusion has given way to fairly solid confirmation. The recent White Dwarf article seems to indicate that Flyers are indeed included. We were told that they are in, and “have seen the biggest change to their rules”.
It appears that Flyers are able to move anywhere on the board more than 36”, however they MUST move.
Apparently flyers now do not leave the table, although KUMA says they can choose to leave the table for a round and re-enter anywhere on the board.
Flyers with rules included
-Thunderhawk Gunship – Reportedly around 900 points
-Thunderbolt – About 180 points
-Lightning - Nothing else known
-Ork Fighta-Bomma - Nothing else known
The Valkyrie may also be included.
AA options like the Hydra Flack Tanks and possibly others are supposedly in the book
Maxis Lithium informs us that Tau Skyrays will regain their AA abilities.
There have been rumours of a new Land Raider variant called the Terminus which has four sets of twin-linked lascannons
Apocalypse is to be ongoing, with new additional rules and models released through the stores, WD and the website. The website apparently is getting a £5 million facelift
Apocalypse Background:
Necrons reportedly get some nice background with Apocalypse, particularly stuff regarding silver, gold and platinum level lords and the way they fight. Basically they can download to new bodies at will. No in game effects, but nice background.
Strategic Assets:
One poster had this to say on Strategic Assets:
Quote Strategic Assets are the Strategems of Apocalypse, but they are so much more than just that. In fact, it's probably the most significant mechanic in the Apocalypse game. Some are played before deployment or at the begining of a turn or somewhere else during the game; like something you spring on your opponent at the right time. Some are like the old strategy cards from 2nd edition or the Random Events, Magic Items, & Dirty Tricks from Blood Bowl.
That's the first major difference between them and Strategems. The cool thing is you can still use Strategems as you could play CoD-Apocalypse game with parts of the table being urban CoD while other parts are typical 40k.
An Orbital Bombardment has been mentioned as a possible Strategic Asset and would use one of the new templates (although early rumours mentioned 6 linked Ordinance templates)
There are obviously some wargear-like Strategic Assets, as the Vortex Grenade is all but confirmed with the template being included in release lists.
Taking “Formations” of units could reportedly provide in-game bonuses (some free, some paid for). For example:
Imperial Guard
- Ogryn Auxiliary: 3 squads of 5 Ogryns, giving the player a free command squad, and Commissars may be attached directly to the units.
-Emperor’s Fist Tank Company: 10 Leman Russ tanks earns you a command tank that helps to ignore crew shaken/stunned effects
-Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company: Basilisks may have a spotter unit in a similar way to Marine Whirlwinds (see below). Which unit will be the spotter is unclear.
-Necron Phalanx: 2 or more Necron monoliths generate a "Shadow Field" giving whatever is on the other side the line +1 to we'll be back rolls (One poster says it reduces the strength of shots through the field). Also no psychic powers can pass through the field.
(The Dude has hereby named this the “Stonehenge” formation)
-A first turn deep strike ability, possibly using Monoliths
Space Marines
-Suppression Force: SM Land Speeders can act as “spotters” for Whirlwinds, giving them unlimited range. It was originally rumoured that these Speeders would be unarmed, but this has been refuted, and they are supposedly regular Speeders with HB or MM.
-Space Marine Masters of the Chapter: Individual members supplying bonuses such as flanking manoeuvres etc.
-Space Marine Linebreaker: 3 vindicators in a unit allowing them to target the same point, using the 10 inch template and any terrain under the hole is removed on a 4+ similar to seige shells, but any terrain, not just a building.
-Abbaddon may be able to take a very large Terminator retinue
-Tide of Spawn: 10 marines and 10 spawn. At a “dramatic moment” all 10 CSM become spawn.
-Tau may get a formation of one command unit, and body guard. 3 Crisis Suit units, and a number of Stealth Suits.
-One formation that allows you to enter play from any table edge
-Special Markerlight options for squadrons of 3 + hammerheads
-Windrider Host: Autarch on Jetbike and 2 squads of Jetbikes and some Vypers. Can redeply once per game (not just at the start of the game) but can´t end up within 12" of ANY enemy
-Spirit Host: 1 spirit seer , 2-3 squads of wriathguard (not sure on size) and wraithlord. All units with 12" (of the Spirit Seer?) become fearless
-Cloudstrike Squadron: 3 Wave Serpents may combine their energy fields to reduce incoming fire to a maximum of S:7. Whilst some thought this was a similar field to the Necron “Stonehenge” ability, The Dude thinks the ability will apply only to shots aimed at the Serpents themselves.
-Aspect Warrior Assault Wave: Autarch, 3 wave serpents and 3 aspect warrior squads (one of which may be a Dire Avenger squad). Bonus unknown?
-Bonesinger may get rules
Dark Eldar
Ravager Titan Killer: 3 ravagers which and have access to a "shadow beam/wave/summat" weapon that if it hits negates void shields and holofields for subsequent weapon fire.
-Ork "Kult of Speed" similar to Eldar Windrider Host in that once during the game the entire formation (possibly 30 bikes) can redeploy to ANYWHERE on the board.
-"More bodies than bullets!" 3-4 Termagaunt and 3-4 Hormagaunt broods (all at least 20 models). Swarms may keep returning to the table and any unit shooting at them that rolls 5 or more 6's to hit, does nothing for shooting that turn against that swarm.
-Hive Mind formation consisting of a Hive Tyrant, 3+ Tyrant Guard and 5+ Zoanthropes. The formation gets some additional psychic powers and amplifies the warp blast of the Zoanthropes.
Some info is available in White Dwarf here along with full shots of the Baneblade
The article mentions formations and super-heavies by the name "datasheets"
Models & Other Releases:
Bregalad has pulled the Apocalypse releases out of selfkonstrukt’s release schedule scan. All Prices are in US$.
Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post
8th October
QGRYN $17.00
HOBBY APOCALYPSE BIG GUN DICE $72.00 (dealer pack?)
IMPERIAL GUARD OGRYN AUXILIARY $90.00 (?) (direct only)
ELDAR SPIRIT HOST $125.00 (direct only)
15th October
22nd October
ELDAR ASPECT WARRIOR ASAULT WAVE $ 125.00? (direct only)
TAU HUNTER CADRE $350.00? (direct only)
EMPEROR'S TALON RECON GROUP $125.00? (direct only)
29th October
ORK DRED MOB $175.00 (direct only)
TYRANID ENDLESS SWARM $175.00 (direct only)
31st December
Sneak peak shown with full pics in White Dwarf
Some say it is 1 inch larger than the FW one all round. Some say 1 inch smaller.
Most reliable sizing put it at 9" long, and 6" wide
Reports tell of 3 additional variants:
- Different turret option (some say Yarrick’s personal Baneblade)
- Chaos (some say Nurgle specific)
- Ork
The hull has supposedly been designed with empty sections to make it easier to convert
Ork Stompa
A large kit by Aly Morrison. Reportedly 8 Sprues
Supposedly put on hold until they can work out how to get it onto fewer sprues.
Drop Pods
The usual “problems in production” excuse. Expect to see as a later release maybe with the Blood Angels or Space Wolves Codex whenever they come.
Brimstone seems to think they will come with the next Cities of Death/Apocalypse style expansion.
Not much known. A possible future release.
Brimstone has said it is more of a wish of GW's than an actual plan.
A model was seen, but never intended for release. It was made to test the large model production systems.
It’s a possible future release if sales of other large models are good, as they already have it scanned into the computer.
Other Releases:
-Merceus brings us pics of the Command Tank Upgrade Sprue
-Imperial Guard commissars (3 different poses) for an October release
-Imperial Guard Ogryn Although the model shown in the link is obviously a Bone ‘Ead, there are supposedly more than this coming in October.
-New Necron Lord with ressurrection orb. Listed as US$15
-New Space Marine Veterans. Listed as US$30 for an October release
-Ork Mek with Super Shoota. Better pic here
Space Marine Battle Company
Includes parts for the following:
- Commander
- Command Squad (possibly 10-man including Commander)
- 6 Tactical squads (10-man)
- 2 Assault Squads (10-man)
- 2 Devastator Squads (10-man)
- 9 Razorbacks (can assemble as Rhinos too obviously)
- "Extra stuff" like decals
comes in a big wooden crate
Possibility of a bigger, direct-only box containing the sprues for 400+ marines but with just the sprues. |
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mike dnia Czw 13:57, 27 Wrz 2007, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Wysłany: Nie 12:16, 23 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Co ja moge powiedzieć... zapowiada się zaje****** ;D tylko skąd wziąść forsę na taką armię, i ile będzie trwała sama rozgrywka :0
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Wysłany: Czw 17:40, 27 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Rychu zagramy w Apocalypse ? Gwardia na Tau ?
Po dwóch dniach skończymy strzelać ;p
Ale tak na serio to mi się też podoba , szczególnie Baneblade ;D
Tylko to "Shadow Field" - ja sie boje ;p
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Wysłany: Czw 17:44, 27 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Maras napisał: |
Rychu zagramy w Apocalypse ? Gwardia na Tau ?
Po dwóch dniach skończymy strzelać ;p
Ale tak na serio to mi się też podoba , szczególnie Baneblade ;D
Tylko to "Shadow Field" - ja sie boje ;p |
Taa, skończymy strzelać - pierwszą turę ;D Ale sam pomysł jest gitez majonez
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Wysłany: Czw 20:36, 27 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Na [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] już są zestawy do apokalipsy ^^
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Lord Inkwizytor Moderator
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2005
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Wysłany: Sob 17:52, 29 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Ktos ma ochote kupic kodeks? A moze ktos chce sciagnac ? Moim zdaniem pare razy mozna w to pyknac zeby wyprobowac tylko w kodeks trza sie zaopatrzyc:)
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Wysłany: Sob 18:12, 29 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Trzeba troche poczekac, chyba 10 października (a może to był 13...) ma to wszystko wejsc do sprzedazy, zapewne niedlugo potem Dex bedzie do zassania. Cudo jest podobne grube i ma kosztowac 50$, czyli jakieś 150 ziko - szkoda IMO forsy na cos, z czego rzadko będzie sie korzystalo.
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Lord Inkwizytor Moderator
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2005
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Wysłany: Sob 18:25, 29 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
No wiesz rychu, kodeks chaosu byl "dostepny" miesiac przed premiera:) ale mozna poczekac na apocalypse troche dluzej:). A co sadzicie o zestawach? Dla mnie IMO fajna sprawa, szczegolnie kupujac w pare osob.
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Wysłany: Sob 18:39, 29 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Ciicho tam Moja racja jest najmojsza
A zestawy są rzeczywiście wporzo, a przy kupowaniu na pare osób po prostu świetne. Ja sam już zbieram forsę na Tau Interdiction Force - kocham rozpy na 3 hammerheadach ;]
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Lord Inkwizytor Moderator
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2005
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Wysłany: Sob 18:40, 29 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Akurat do orkow to ten zestaw moze sie przyda po wydaniu kodeksow:) to samo dotyczy bigmeka
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2006
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Wysłany: Sob 18:46, 29 Wrz 2007 Temat postu: |
Kto się ze mną składa na 2 Monolithy? XD
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Dołączył: 09 Lip 2005
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Wysłany: Pon 8:00, 01 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
Na arenie oglądaliśmy zestawy do apokalipsy. Zestawy są świetne starszni8e drogie, ale jakby to kupować oddzielnie to wyszło by dużo więcej. Moim zdanie opłaca się kupować.
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Lord Inkwizytor Moderator
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2005
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Wysłany: Pon 9:33, 01 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
olek-wadim napisał: |
Na arenie oglądaliśmy zestawy do apokalipsy. Zestawy są świetne starszni8e drogie, ale jakby to kupować oddzielnie to wyszło by dużo więcej. Moim zdanie opłaca się kupować. |
To ze sie opyla to wiadomo od dawna:) po za tym takie bycze pudelka.......jeszcze z orkami...............army set................WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH (sorki ponioslo mnie:D)
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Wysłany: Wto 19:37, 02 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
do mawinów tez jest army set XD co z tego ze kosztuje ponad 1k XD. Takie pytanie, to wszystko juz do apocalipsy czy jeszcze cos bedzie?XD
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Lord Inkwizytor Moderator
Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2005
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Wysłany: Wto 21:11, 02 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
Do marines nie ma army seta..... to jest wogole co innego
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